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Collectif Triplettes Roses

The Collectif Triplettes Roses association was established in December 2021 through the fusion of of the association Les Triplettes Roses (founded in September 2019) and the Collectif #MobilisationTriplettes (founded in December 2020).

Together, we strive to advocate for the Triplettes, women with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer is a poorly understood and highly aggressive disease, predominantly affecting young women. Treatment options are limited and  when metastases spread beyond the breast, no curative treatment is currently available.


With this in mind, we have united our efforts to take action!

Our objectives include:

  • Improving care opportunities of Triplettes.
  • Ensuring equal opportunities on French territory.
  • Amplifying the voices of patients.
Association Odyssea

NEW CASES of triple negative breast cancer per year


RECURRENCE RATE within 3 years after diagnosis

40 %

of YOUNG WOMEN diagnosed are under 40 years old

14 months

MEDIAN SURVIVAL TIME in case of recurrence with metastases

national action group

As a national action group, we have achieved significant milestones:

Increasing awareness about the specificities of this type of cancer through press coverage, radio and television appearances and social media campaigns

Facilitating urgent access to innovative treatments and providing new therapeutic alternatives.

Our collaborative efforts with various stakeholders such as Triplets, the Ministry of Health, the High Authority for Health, the National Agency for Health and Medicines, deputies, senators, oncologists, media, associations and  laboratories have progressively improved patient care. 

Since 2021, our mobilization has led to early access to innovative treatments such as Pembrolizumab in the neoadjuvant and metastatic setting as well as Sacituzumab Govitecan in the metastatic setting.

Research support:

We actively support two research programs led by the Institute Gustave Roussy and the Institut Curie through fundraising and communication initiatives.


Our strength lies in our personal experiences.

We live with the disease and we understand firsthand the challenges it presents.

We are committed to joining forces with all private and public entities who can support us and contribute to the success of our actions.

Additionally, we have established a network of representatives operating at the local level, fostering shared connections, support and trust with regional partners.